Wednesday, April 28, 2010

12: woohoo!

so, i got my test tubes & stoppers today from the post office. :D i thought i was going to get them yesterday, but they hadn't delivered the card thingy yet. i checked today & was really disappointed to not see it, but then i looked up to the roof of the mailbox and there was the card dangling from a crack. it turned out that they did come by yesterday, but the card was stuck in the crack so i couldn't see it. anyways, i was super excited & took some pictures, even though i haven't technically started my experiment yet. :D

they wrapped each test tube in their own sheets of paper, so the rolls of paper below are actually test tubes. :D just to remind you all, i ordered 7 test tubes and 8 stoppers. for some reason, one of the stoppers is bright red-ish while the others are a dull pinky-red. the actual container didn't come with it; it's just the container i'm currently storing them in.

here's a closer look:

if i had a test tube rack, i would've taken pictures of the tubes in the rack, but i don't have one so i couldn't.
i'll be starting my experiment as soon as a i figure out what my test liquids will be & after i've made my test tube rack. here's some of my thoughts on the test liquids.

okay, so the original experiment from the website had water, milk, egg and diluted detergent as test liquids. i wondered why they choose these as their test liquids and why not soft drink or something similar. my theory for this is that they've chosen foods/liquids that are natural (besides the detergent). other than that, i don't really know why.
i also don't really have a hypothesis and the aim is a bit unclear. i'm thinking about having different types of milk instead of the test liquids listed above to see if the type of milk affects the foam. i haven't really done any research, so i have no idea if the foams will be different. if i do end up using different types of milk, i could use whole (fat) milk, skim/ low fat milk, soy milk, rice milk. this still doesn't give me a specific i'll probably just use the original test liquids. this was more of a thought. :)
i won't make my final decision until i've done more research, however, so nothing is really finalised yet. heaps of things are due in the next few weeks so hopefully i'll get my experiment done before week 9, which is when our final blog submission and something else is due.

good luck everyone. :D


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